Why Chrysalis?

Broad Scope. Advanced Diagnostics. Cutting Edge Therapies. Impassioned Care.

Because you deserve to feel better. Go harder. Live longer. And be the healthiest version of you that you can be.

Why Chrysalis?

Personalized Medicine means you have a doctor in your pocket, a doctor you trust implicitly and who trusts you.   In exchange for a monthly fee, you are empowered with the guarantee that Dr. Rogoff will be there when you need him most, directly and immediately accessible, with the broadest of tools available to optimize your health.  By breaking free from the insurance model of low physician pay that drives high-volume patient loads, you are choosing a relationship with a doctor in which time is unlimited and access is without boundaries.  In placing value on both your health and your doctor’s expertise, you are choosing a model that will treat you with the most premium level of medical care available.

Medicine is a sacred practice whose heart lies in the relationship and whose roots are nurtured with time.  Sadly, the current medical-insurance system feels broken.  For 20 years, Dr. Rogoff struggled to balance quality of care, patient experience, and his own happiness working as the co-owner and Medical Director of the very busy Hale Le’a Clinic in Kilauea.  In April, 2022, he followed the path of many of the mainland’s best physicians and transitioned to a membership-based model that is limited to a finite number of patients, focusing on quality over quantity. Only in this way, Dr. Rogoff is able to care for every patient with the same attention he would give to his best friends or own family.

Chrysalis Medical is the realization of that vision, a close-knit ohana of dedicated and empowered patients partnered with an innovative physician with the broadest of paradigms and a compassionate and experienced team.  Our intention is to deliver superior medical care that is personalized, attentive, and founded on the most advanced medical science, based in research of which many physicians are still unaware.  Using next-generation labs, symptom-pattern recognition, and root-cause “systems-biology,” Dr. Rogoff will empower your health with the broadest scope of innovative diagnostic and treatment options available whose aim extends beyond wellness to optimal health, spiritual alignment, and a longer and more vital life.

Our Philosophy

It is our belief that you deserve your own doctor, the best doctor, one that knows you almost as well as you know yourself – whether you prefer natural remedies or quick-fix prescriptions, what obstacles and habits stand in your way of becoming the healthiest version of yourself, the strengths and stressors of your daily life and your relationships, the burdens of your past, the dreams of your soul. 

And it is our belief that your doctor should be experienced and passionate, curious and diligent, driven by a life-long love of learning and genuine fascination with the human body, with an insatiable thirst to understand every why beneath each symptom and all the how’s that point toward optimal health and true wellness. 

Modern medicine is stricken with a cancer that, like many cancers, was only allowed to grow due to the sickness of its soil – namely, an over-reliance on pharmaceutical drugs and a constriction of healing’s most precious resource, time.  It is our belief that by breaking the stranglehold of the pharmaceutical and insurance industries on medicine and relying on such sustainable therapies as lifestyle changes, vitamins, cause-based interventions, and food as medicine, true healing will return to where it belongs, in the sacred relationship between one patient and one doctor and the synthesis of all the magic that is created from that trust and that bond.

By educating you in the power of natural therapies and breaking down the obstacle of limited time, it is our belief we can practice medicine in the way medicine was meant to be practiced, prioritizing relationships and wellness over Band-Aid’s and number-of-patients-seen. Only in this way is true health achievable, by discovering the causes at the roots of dysfunction and disease, by minimizing inflammation and insulin resistance, by maximizing mitochondria energetics, by supporting falling hormones, by “bio-hacking” with natural peptides that decrease with age, by customizing protocols to fit your unique genetics and biochemistry to achieve sustainable shifts in your health, from the cells to the soul.

Root Cause Analysis

Discover, understand, and target the underlying causes of your dysfunction or disease.

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Functional Medicine / Anti-Aging

Combining the proven power of traditional medicine with the most cutting-edge therapies offered by today’s science.

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Integrative Care

Relationship-driven and rooted in the whole person, from the health of every cell to the balance of Spirit and Wisdom that lives within.

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Peptide Therapy

Biohack your genes to improve immunity, inflammation, and longevity with your own body’s molecular signals.

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IV Nutrition / NAD+ / Ozone

Deliver nutrients and advanced therapies directly to the cellular level to fully nourish and rehydrate.

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Growth Factors and Regeneration

Support your body’s natural processes with tissue-derived growth factors to repair and regenerate.

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Functional Medicine Retreats

Turn your vacation into a medical retreat, discover the causes of your disease, optimize hormones, return home healthier and more vital.

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Vacation Assurance

Protect yourself and your family while you’re away with a dedicated physician on-call for VIP convenience and peace of mind.

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Vitamins and Supplements

Harness the healing power of nature and the molecules in foods and herbs to alter gene expression for sustainable health.

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